Paul Fraser is the director of Multiply Network, a national agency of PAOC that focuses on church planting in Canada. He is a fellow podcaster with the Multiply Network Podcast. One of his interviews last year was with Kevin Rogers.
After a scan of existing ministries, the acronym QUEST was developed to help distinguish the variety of urban ministry lanes within the PAOC family.
Q - Qualitative Neighbours: The mission is to love my neighbours in Jesus’ name in ways that engender hospitality, community building and home centered spiritual practices more than church-centered organizational practices. Finding what God is doing among the neighbours and joining to that.
Examples: Parker House, Parish Collective, Move-In, Downtown Windsor Community Collaborative.
U - Urban Church: Geographically located in city urban core. Congregation reflect sensitivity to the culture and values of the neighbourhood they find themselves in. A mix of parish and destination or drive-in attenders, with ministries that are narrow to their neighbourhood needs.
Examples: Church in the City, Danforth Community, City Centre Church (Jane/Finch), Calvary Temple - Winnipeg, Father’s House (Edmonton).
E- Energizers: Gospel Influencers who bring light and energy to subcultures
Arts, politics, business community, education, etc.
Examples: Light in Film workers (Ryan Stockert and Jamie Rauch), Leading Influence Ministries (Tim Schindel), Jim Craig (Mississauga), Connie Jakab (Calgary).
S – Street-Level Workers: Mix of community chaplaincy and pastoral care to street population. Often their office is their backpack or their car, they are in tune to the communities.
Examples: Ejay Tupe (Toronto), Bob Gal (Edmonton), John Marc Nicolas (Pasteur de Rue-Montreal).
T – Transformers: Bringing hospitality and resource to at-risk populations. Street missions, after school programs, housing initiatives, etc.
Examples: Father’s House (Debbie Kunst), Feeding Windsor, Metro Kids Society (Mike Brownlee).
Multiply Network