Race Talk Windsor-Detroit (Part One)

It's very likely that we have all discriminated and pre-judged others based on ethnicity, social standing, lifestyle or religion. To have a true understanding of the mission of God, we need to understand God’s love for all people of the world. If we are to be about the mission of God, we must also be cleansed of our prejudice.

On today’s episode we are going to start a conversation with a party of five. Joining me today is Chris Cobbler, Nelly Latchman, Kellen Brooks and Joshua Bowers. We are all involved in ministry in the border cities of Windsor and Detroit. This was our small way to talk about race relations and the difference that we are called to make.

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Condo Church In Liberty Village (Darryl Dash)

On today’s episode of Sidewalk Skyline Podcast we hear a workshop presented by Darryl Dash, pastor of a church plant in Toronto’s Liberty Village neighbourhood. How do you crack the code of community in a place made up of high rise condos? Liberty Grace Church is on that journey.

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Windsor's Little Church With A Big Kitchen

Welcome to the first ever episode of Sidewalk Skyline. I’m your host Kevin Rogers and I have lived most of my life in Canadian cities, well… at least in Ontario cities. In this podcast we are going to feature men and women from across Canada doing some extraordinary work in the places they live.

So where am I from? I live in Windsor, Ontario where the church I planted is celebrating 26 years of loving our neighbours, especially those living on the margins of society.

Today’s pilot episode is an interview with Rodger Fordham, director of Feeding Windsor. If I didn’t have the privilege of working alongside Rodger, I would still think this a great place to start our investigation of what God is up to in Canadian cities.

In 5 years, this outreach has had a meteoric rise to 200,000 meal servings for this upcoming year. You are going to hear how a small church can partner with others to make a large dent in the city through hospitality.






Feeding Windsor is an outreach agency of New Song Church focused on providing a table in food deserts, hospitality in neighbourhoods and strategies of food empowerment in our city. More details are on our website at www.feedingwindsor.ca